08/01/25 – Useful Links

Interesting links, articles, news and blog posts sent out to members on 08/01/25.

Corporate report: National Energy System Operator framework document – Department for Energy Security and Net Zero

6 January 2025. Framework document between the National Energy System Operator (NESO) and the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero (DESNZ):

Link: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/national-energy-system-operator-framework-document

Article: ‘Ironic’: climate-driven sea level rise will overwhelm major oil ports, study shows – Guardian Online

4 January 2025, Damian Carrington. Ports including in Saudi Arabia and the US projected to be seriously damaged by a metre of sea level rise:

Link: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2025/jan/04/climate-driven-sea-level-rise-set-to-flood-major-oil-ports

Article: Labour donor Dale Vince urges ‘rigorous financial scrutiny’ of Sizewell C costs – The Observer in the Guardian Online

28 December 2024, Michael Savage. Green energy entrepreneur voices concerns over project’s funding and ‘spiralling costs’ of UK’s other nuclear plants:

Link: https://www.theguardian.com/business/2024/dec/28/labour-donor-dale-vince-urges-rigorous-financial-scrutiny-of-sizewell-c-costs

Blog: Our response to the Ofgem review – Jonathan Brearley, Chief Executive, Ofgem

19 December 2024, Jonathan Brearley, Chief Executive, Ofgem. “The Department for Energy Security and Net Zero (DESNZ) announced a comprehensive review of Ofgem’s remit, powers and capabilities to champion the interests of consumers, supporting the journey to Net Zero and promote wider economic growth. In my view, this is great news. A lot has changed across the energy market since our remit was set 25 years ago”:

Link: https://www.ofgem.gov.uk/blog/our-response-ofgem-review

Open call for evidence: Review of Ofgem: call for evidence – Department for Energy Security and Net Zero

19 December 2024. Evidence and views on the kind of regulator Ofgem needs to be to meet future challenges and protect consumers. This call for evidence closes at

11:59pm on 28 February 2025:

Link: https://www.gov.uk/government/calls-for-evidence/review-of-ofgem-call-for-evidence

Call for evidence: Electricity transmission, gas transmission and gas distribution business plans for RIIO-3 – Ofgem

18 December 2024. Views and evidence sought from stakeholders on any aspect of the network companies’ Business Plans (BPs) for potential consideration in the RIIO-3 Final Determinations. This consultation closes on 10 February 2025. Please send your response to RIIO3@ofgem.gov.uk, clearly setting out your feedback as requested in the Call for Evidence document:

Link: https://www.ofgem.gov.uk/call-for-input/call-evidence-electricity-transmission-gas-transmission-and-gas-distribution-business-plans-riio-3

Article: Clean Power 2030 and the journey to a net zero future – Politics Home

18 December 2024, Simone Rossi, CEO, EDF. The Government marks a key milestone on its mission of achieving clean power by 2030, with the publication of a national Clean Power Action Plan. The publication follows a report last month from the National Energy System Operator (NESO) on the pathways for achieving clean power by 2030. NESO’s advice to Government is that the clean power target will be a challenge but is achievable – it will require the sector to do things differently and work together to deliver change:

Link: https://www.politicshome.com/members/article/clean-power-2030-journey-net-zero-future